Lawn Care Program
Lawn Mowing
We will quote to mow your lawn throughout the year, or just the summer, based on your budget and size of lawn.
Edging, Strimming and Leaf Collection
Nothing finishes off a striped up lawn quite like having all the edges neatly cut and this will be performed each visit.
Fertilising and Aeration
We will fertilise your lawn over the course of the year so that it always looks the best it possibly can. Minimum of 3 applications.
We can also aerate your lawn in a numbers of different ways.
Whether it's weeds on your lawn or on your driveway, this is not a problem as we are fully certified to spray all chemicals.
Every lawn needs to be scarified to remove thatch and promote a strong and healthy sward. This will include over seeding and top dressing.
Just like humans, grass benefits from that little bit of extra input and care. Whether it be disease control, pest management or a stress deterrent, we can do it all!
Please get in touch for a quote
Sports Turf Maintenance,
Gardening and Grass Care Technician